Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki

This category marks any content which is found in the Star Wars RPG area sourcebook Suns of Fortune. Here, you can find a breakdown of the contents of this book as well as references to specific pages of content.


Corellian Bloodstripes[]

Rewarded as a Corellian military honour, these may present a benefit to players who earn them. [find on page 100]

Sabacc Rules[]

The popular card game, Sabacc, can be played by players interested in gambling or socialising with others. [find on page 119]

Making a Micro-Jump[]

A hyperdrive is a general tool with many safety systems employed to prevent catastrophic accidents. However, skilled shipmates can rig a hyperdrive to make precise jumps called micro-jumps. [find on page 142]




Weapon Price Rarity Reference
CDEF Blaster Pistol 150 4 Page 94
Coronet Arms Dueling Pistol 750 5
Coronet Arms HL-27 Light Blaster Pistol 450 4
Talus Ironworks XL-2 "Flashfire" Light Blaster Pistol 450 5 Page 95
Coronet Arms H-7 "Equalizer" Blaster Pistol 1,200 8
Fed-Dub Protective Services Spukami Pocket Blaster Pistol 200 2 Page 96
Corellian Arms CR-2 Heavy Blaster Pistol 600 5
SKZ Sporting Blaster 600 4
ASP-9 "Vrelt" Autopistol 150 4
Coronet Arms Mark V "Sand Panther" Hunting Rifle 1,750 7 Page 97
Selonian Shard Shooter 1,500 7
Corellian Compound Bow 200 5
Styanax Lance 200 8

Melee & Brawl[]

Weapon Price Rarity Reference
Corellian Cutlass 300 3 Page 97
J-7b Beamdrill 3,000 5 Page 98
Drall Flashstick 375 4
Selonian Glaive 1,200 7


Armor Price Rarity Reference
Catch Vest 300 3 Page 99
Nomad Greatcoat 100 4
Type III "Berethron" Personal Modular Armor 1,250 6 (R)
TX-3 Combat Flight Suit 3,000 6 (R)



Gear Price Rarity Reference
Cirenian Communications Pioneer Long-Range Transceiver 1,000 3 Page 100
Carbanti United Electronics Whistler 1,250 6
Bespin Motors Remote DVI Activator (short range) 300 4
Bespin Motors Remote DVI Activator (long range) 1,500 7


Gear Price Rarity Reference
TaggeCo. CAAF-2 System Cybernetic Avionics Interface 8,000 6 Page 101

Scanning & Surveillance[]

Gear Price Rarity Reference
Bothawui Communications Conglomerate HSI-280 Hyperwave Signal Interceptor 10,500 8 Page 101
CryonCorp ArmaScan Weapon Detection Goggles 750 5


Droid Price Rarity Reference
Industrial Automation Hologlide J57 Cam Droid 800 3 Page 102
Industrial Automaton FD-series Extinguisher Droid 8,000 4

Drugs & Poisons[]

Gear Price Rarity Reference
Corellian Whiskey (bottle) 25 2 Page 102
Corellian Whiskey (25 bottle case) 500 2
Whyren's Reserve (bottle) 100 4
Whyren's Reserve (20 bottle case) 1,500 5
Ji Rikknit (dose) 50 6 Page 103
Ji Rikknit (100 dose cargo container) 3,000 7
Nannarium Root (dose) 200 6
Ryshcate (cake) 10 2


Gear Price Rarity Reference
Corellian Technologies Savior Anti-grav Chute 450 5 Page 103
Corellia Mining Corporation EVA Powersuit 1,500 7



Vehicle Price Rarity Reference
CAV-11 "Condor" Airspeeder 30,000 4 Page 104
G35 "Silver Cloud" Airspeeder 45,000 4


Vehicle Price Rarity Reference
CEC D-22 "Screamer" Speeder Bike 4,500 3 Page 104
Mobquet S-5 "Flashfury" Swoop 5,500 3 Page 105
SoroSuub Seraph "Flash Speeder" 5,200 4
Sunflare Unique Unique Page 130

Wheeled & Tracked[]

Vehicle Price Rarity Reference
A-11 Model III "Burrower" 45,000 7 Page 106
A-19 "Iron Crawler" Armored Transport 12,500 6


Vehicle Price Rarity Reference
MEV2 "Dug Digger" 30,000 5 Page 107


Starfighters & Patrol Boats[]

Starship Price Rarity Reference
A-type Stiletto 90,000 7 Page 107
Coneship 5,000 8
CL-1c Lancet Interceptor 55,000 5 Page 108
LAF-250 Starfighter 60,000 4
HLAF-500 Starfighter 70,000 5
PPB Pocket Patrol Boat 70,000 5 Page 109
PB-950 Patrol Boat 150,000 5 Page 110
The Diligent 125,000 5 Page 127
Bloodblade - Modified Firespray System Patrol Craft 80,000 4 Page 143
Modified CloakShape Starfighter 38,000 4 Page 144

Freighters & Liners[]

Starship Price Rarity Reference
CSS-1 Corellian Star Shuttle 325,000 6 Page 110
D-type Stealth Freighter 200,000 7
J-type Star Skiff 260,000 7 Page 111
S-type Racing Sloop 160,000 7
YG-4400 Light Freighter 110,000 5 Page 112
YT-1210 Light Freighter 120,000 5

Capital Ships[]

Starship Price Rarity Reference
CR92a Assassin-class Corvette 2,500,000 6 (R) Page 113

All items (43)
