Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki

The Lightsaber is a weapon of culture and one of a civilized warrior. Unlike any other melee weapon in how it must be handled, dangerous while also elegant, this plasma sword is one of the very representations of the Force's power in the Galaxy.

Exotic Plasma Weapons[]

While not strictly lightsabers, their design lends itself only to use by those that are so trained. These exotic weapons can be just as dangerous.

Weapon Skill Dam Crit Range Enc HP Price Rare Qualities
Philaxian Phase-Knife Lightsaber +1 3 Engaged 1 1 1500 8 Pierce 4, Vicious 1
Contained Energy Axe Lightsaber +3 2 Engaged 4 3 7500 8 Breach 1, Cumbersome 3, Sunder, Vicious 3
Lightwhip Lightsaber 4 4 Short 1 1 (R) 11400 10 Ensnare 1, Pierce 5, Unwieldy 4


These lightsabers represent the most generic styles that one may find among the jedi, sith or other saber carriers.

Weapon Skill Dam Crit Range Enc HP Price Rare Qualities
Shoto Lightsaber 5 2 Engaged 1 3 (R) 9300 10 Accurate 1, Breach 1, Sunder
Guard Shoto Lightsaber 5 2 Engaged 1 3 (R) 9700 10 Breach 1, Defensive 1, Deflection 2, Sunder, Unwieldy 4
Lightfoil Lightsaber 5 2 Engaged 1 1 (R) 9850 10 Breach 1, Defensive 2, Sunder
Sabercane Lightsaber 5 2 Engaged 1 3 10000 10 Accurate 1, Breach 1, Sunder
Training Lightsaber Lightsaber 6 - Engaged 1 5 400 6 Stun Damage
Basic Lightsaber Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged 1 5 (R) 9300 10 Breach 1, Sunder
Temple Guard Lightsaber Pike Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged 2 4 (R) 20000 10 Breach 1, Defensive 1, Linked 1, Sunder, Stun 4, Unwieldy 3
Lightsaber Pike Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged 3 3 (R) 9600 10 Breach 1, Cumbersome 3, Defensive 1, Sunder
Crossguard Lightsaber Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged 1 4 (R) 9700 10 Breach 1, Defensive 1, Sunder
Double-Bladed Lightsaber Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged 2 4 (R) 18600 10 Breach 1, Linked 1, Sunder, Unwieldy 3
Broadsaber Lightsaber 7 2 Engaged 1 2 (R) 11000 10 Breach 1, Sunder, Unwieldy 3
Great Lightsaber Lightsaber 7 2 Engaged 2 3 (R) 12000 10 Breach 1, Cumbersome 3, Sunder
Master Lodaka's Lightsaber Lightsaber 10 1 Engaged 1 0 (R) 20000 10 Breach 1, Sunder, Vicious 2

* These lightsabers are their corresponding hilts with an Ilum crystal installed.

Lightsaber Hilts[]

These hilts correspond to the lightsabers in the above table, but are open to customisation with whichever crystal one may desire.

Weapon Skill Dam Crit Range Enc HP Price Rare Qualities
Shoto Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 3 300 6 Accurate 1
Guard Shoto Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 3 700 7 Defensive 1, Deflection 2, Unwieldy 4
Lightfoil Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 3 350 6 Defensive 2
Sabercane Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 3 500 6 Accurate 1
Basic Lightsaber Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 5 300 5 -
Temple Guard Lightsaber Pike Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 2 4 2000 9 Defensive 1, Linked 1, Stun 4, Unwieldy 3
Lightsaber Pike Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 3 3 600 7 Cumbersome 3, Defensive 1
Crossguard Lightsaber Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 4 900 7 Defensive 1
Double-Bladed Lightsaber Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 2 4 600 6 Linked 1, Unwieldy 3
Broadsaber Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 4 600 6 Unwieldy 3
Great Lightsaber Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 2 5 700 6 Cumbersome 3

Popular Lightsabers[]

All items (33)
