Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki
Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki

The content of the wiki generally contains a category which serves as a reference to the Source Book it is found in. Below is an index of all the source books used;

Edge of the Empire[]

[SWE02] Edge of the Empire - Core Rulebook - On the Fringe

[SWE03] Debts to Pay - Story: Debt Kit

[SWE05] Beyond the Rim - Story: Beyond

[SWE06] Enter the Unknown - Explorer

[SWE07] Suns of Fortune - Corellian Sector

[SWE08] Dangerous Covenants - Hired Gun

[SWE09] The Jewel of Yavin - Story: The Jewel

[SWE10] Far Horizons - Colonist

[SWE11] Lords of Nal Hutta - Hutt Space

[SWE12] Fly Casual - Smuggler

[SWE13] Mask of the Pirate Queen - Story: Pirate Queen

[SWE14] Special Modifications - Technician

[SWE16] No Disintegrations - Bounty Hunter

Age of Rebellion[]

[SWA02] Age of Rebellion - Core Rulebook - Rebel Ranks

[SWA03] Dead in the Water - Story: Rebel Kit

[SWA04] Onslaught at Arda I - Story: Onslaught

[SWA25] Stay on Target - Ace

[SWA30] Strongholds of Resistance - Rebel Locations - Resistance Stronghold

[SWA31] Desperate Allies - Diplomat

[SWA36] Lead by Example - Commander

[SWA41] Friends Like These - Story: Friends

[SWA42] Forged in Battle - Soldier

[SWA47] Fully Operational - Engineer

[SWA53] Cyphers & Masks - Spy

Force & Destiny[]

[SWF02] Force & Destiny - Core Rulebook - Way of the Force

[SFW23] Chronicles of the Gatekeeper - Story: Gatekeeper

[SWF24] Keeping the Peace - Guardian

[SWF29] Nexus of Power - Force Nexus

[SWF30] Endless Vigil - Sentinel

[SWF35] Disciples of Harmony - Consular

[SWF40] Ghosts of Dathomir - Story: Ghosts

[SWF41] Savage Spirits - Seeker

[SWF46] Knights of Fate - Warrior

[SWF52] Unlimited Power - Mystic

Other Books[]

[SWR10] Dawn of Rebellion - Early Rebellion

[SWR11] Rise of the Separatists - Clone Wars Begin

[SWR12] Allies & Adversaries - Allies

[SWR15] Collapse of the Republic - Clone Wars End

[SWR17] Gadgets and Gear - Extra Stuff

[SWR18] Starships and Speeders - Extra Ships

All items (38)
