Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki

The starship is the prime choice of transport for getting around the galaxy. These vessels rarely lack a hyperdrive, as in these cases they are better suited as airspeeders. They range from anything as small as a starfighter or personal transport of similar size... to something as large as the threatening Executor-class Super Star Destroyer. They fulfill as many roles, and more, as ground vehicles... but are evidently more expensive.

Starfighters, Shuttles & Patrol Boats[]

These are the smallest starships, comprised of the many starfighters and bombers that exist across the galaxy, but also the small shuttles and somewhat larger weapons platforms...

Freighters & Liners[]

The vessels that make the galaxy turn, these transport vessels ship goods and people. There's a wide variation depending on the specifications one's looking for...

Corvettes, Frigates, Cruisers & Destroyers[]

The capital ships of the galaxy, leading defense forces, making up the bulk of a galaxy spanning navy...

Popular Starships[]

All items (290)
