Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki
Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki


The character may decrease the difficulty of any Discipline check to avoid the effects of fear by one per rank of Confidence. If [they] decrease the difficulty to zero, [they] do not have to make a Discipline check.


May spend a triumph result on a fear check to steady the nerves of other allies making the same fear check. If the character does so, each ally within short range who makes the fear check adds automatic success results equal to the character's ranks in Confidence to the results of the check.

  1. Dawn of Rebellion: An Era Sourcebook (Page 111)
  2. Star Wars Force and Destiny Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook (Page 141)
  3. Star Wars Age of Rebellion Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook (Page 144)
  4. Star Wars Edge of the Empire Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook (Page 133)
  5. Collapse of the Republic: An Era Sourcebook (Page 38)
  6. Lead by Example: A Sourcebook for Commanders (Page 34)