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Technicians can put the technical prowess to work and produce an array of useful gadgets or cybernetics. The following templates are but a base from which a skilled builder will extract greater use.

Crafting is simple and follows these steps: 

Step 1: Select Template, the PC chooses what kind of item to make.

Step 2: Acquire Materials, the PC acquires the supplies to build it.

Step 3: Construction, the PC actually assembles the item with the check. 

If the character succeeds, the item is fully functional and has the profile listed in its template. If the character fails on the check, the product that comes out of the attempt is unusable, and the materials are lost. 

Every Success the character scores on the check beyond the first reduces this time by 2 hours (to a minimum of 1 hour). Other factors can also affect the time required, at the GM's discretion. 

Integrating results into construction. First, the PC can use Advantages and Triumphs to make improvements to the item. Then, the GM can spend Threats and Despair to add flaws. Unless a limit is specified, an option may be selected any number of times, and its effects stack.

Gadget Templates[]

Simple Tool[]

Price Rarity Check Time Encum.
50 1 Easy (1 difficulty) Mechanics 2 hours 4

Effects: Choose a general skill, allowing character to make checks with the skill. This tool counts as the right tool for the job.

Specialist Tool[]

Price Rarity Check Time Encum.
400 4 Average (2 difficulty) Mechanics 10 hours 8

Effects: Choose a general skill, add automatic success result to checks with that skill.

Precision Instrument[]

Price Rarity Check Time Encum.
150 3 Hard (3 difficulty) Mechanics 16 hours 5

Effects: Choose a general skill, remove 2 setback dice from checks with that skill.

Gadget Integration[]

1 Advantage or 1 Triumph

  • Lightweight: Reduce the encumbrance of the Gadget by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Gain a Boost Die on the next check they make with the same skill before the end of the session.

2 Advantages or 1 Triumph

  • Compact: If the gadget is of encumbrance 3 or smaller, add a Setback Die to checks other characters make to find it on the wearer's person (to a maximum of 3 Setback Dice).
  • Lessons Learned: Reduce the difficulty of the Character's next crafting check by 1

3 Advantages or 1 Triumph

  • Efficient Construction: The character retains supplies worth 50% of the Material Price needed to craft the item (Limit 1).
  • Safety Features: Add automatic Advantage to checks with the general skill chosen for this tool (Limit 1).

4 Advantages or 1 Triumph

  • Inbuilt Weapon: Choose a weapon of encumbrance 2 or lower that the character possesses to build into the gadget; add a Setback Die to checks to determine that the gadget contains a weapon (Limit 1).

2 Triumphs

  • Supreme Craftsmanship: Choose a General Skill; upgrade checks with that skill made with this tool once.

1 Threat or 1 Despair

  • Exhausting Effort: Upon completing Construction, the character suffers 3 strain.
  • Heavy: Increase the encumbrance of the gadget by 1

2 Threats or 1 Despair

  • Difficult to Repair: Increase the difficulty of checks to repair this gadget by 1.
  • Delicate: The GM may spend 2 Threats or 1 Despair from any check to have it become damaged one step (Undamaged to Minor, Minor to Moderate, etc). (Limit 1).

3 Threats or 1 Despair

  • Unpresentable: Decrease the base price others are willing to pay for this item by 50% (Limit 1).

4 Threats or 1 Despair

  • Fragile: Whenever this item would be damaged one step, it is damaged two steps (Limit 1).

2 Despair

  • Faulty: Whenever a character uses this tool for a check, upgrade the difficulty of the check once.

Cybernetic Templates[]

Prosthetic Replacement[]

Price Rarity Check Time
1000 3 Hard (3 difficulty) Mechanics 12 hours

Effects: Replace functionality of lost limb or organ.

Cybernetic Appendage[]

Price Rarity Check Time
5000 5 Daunting (4 difficulty) Mechanics 2 days

Effects: Replaces arm or leg. Increase Brawn or Agility by 1. Can only benefit from 1 arm and 1 leg this way.

Cybernetic Implant[]

Price Rarity Check Time
1500 6 Daunting (4 difficulty) Mechanics 2 days

Effects: Choose a general skill, the cybernetics provides 1 rank in that skill.

Cybernetic Integration[]

1 Advantage or 1 Triumph

  • Practice Makes Perfect: Gain a Boost Die on the next check they make with the same skill before the end of the session.

2 Advantages or 1 Triumph

  • Integrated Tool: Choose a General Skill: this cybernetic allows a character to make checks with the skill. At the GM's Discretion, this tool counts as the right tool for the job.
  • Unobtrusive: Add a Setback Die to determine that the character has the cybernetic installed.

3 Advantages or 1 Triumph

  • Tailored: If built for a specific being, this cybernetic does not require a check to be installed in that being.

4 Advantages or 1 Triumph

  • Inbuilt Weapon: Choose a weapon of encumbrance 2 or lower that the character possesses to build into the cybernetic; add a Setback Die to checks to determine that the cybernetic contains a weapon (Limit 1).

2 Triumphs

  • Ion-Shielded: This cybernetic does not shut down as normal when affected by weapons with the Ion quality.

1 Threat or 1 Despair

  • Exhausting Effort: Upon completing Construction, the character suffers 3 strain.

2 Threats or 1 Despair

  • Difficult to Install: Increase the difficulty of any check to install this cybernectic by 1.

3 Threats or 1 Despair

  • Wear and Tear: The tools the character was using to craft the cybernetic are damaged one step (Undamaged to Minor, Minor to Moderate, etc).

2 Despair

  • Severe Feedback: When making a check using the cybernetic, the character implanted with it suffers 1 strain.

Installing Cybernetics[]

Installing a cybernetic requires at least basic medical supplies (such as an emergency medpac). The character must dedicate six hours and make a Hard Medicine check. Increase the difficulty twice if the character is operating on themselves. If the character succeeds, the cybernetic is now attached and functional. If the character fails, the cybernetic does not take and suffers minor damaged from the failed integration. The GM may spend Threats to inflict 3 strain or 1 wound on the patient, and may spend Despair to have the patient suffer a Critical Injury from the botched surgery.
