Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki

As one of the galaxy's major starship parts suppliers, Koensayr seeks to maximize profits through the combination of parts expertise and supply distribution system.

More information about the starship is available on the Wookieepedia article.


Silhouette 3 Speed 3 Handling 0 Defense (Fore/Port/Starboard/Aft) 0/-/-/0 Armor 2 Hull Trauma Threshold 5 System Strain Threshold 8

Hull Type/Class: Starfighter/AD-1S.
Manufacturer: Koensayr Manufacturing.
Hyperdrive: Primary: None, Backup: None.
Navicomputer: No.
Sensor Range: None.
Ship's Complement: 1 pilot.
Encumbrance Capacity: 10.
Passenger Capacity: 2 passengers.
Consumables: One week.
Price/Rarity: 25,000 credits/7 (central chassis).
Customization Hard Points: 8.


  • None.


Magnetic Module Rails: Adding or removing a vehicle attachment from a Koensayr AD-1S Modular Multi-Role Starfighter takes ten minutes and requires a successful Average difficulty Mechanics check. Each success result on the check reduces the time required by 1 minute (to a minimum of 1 minute), and each threat result inflicts 1 system strain on the vehicle.


Cargo Pod: The cargo pods for this craft are large, cylindrical affairs, designed for efficiency, not aesthetics.
Base Modifiers: Increase encumbrance capacity by 50.
Modification Options: 3 Increase passenger capacity by 2 Mods.
Hard Points Required: 2.
Price/Rarity: 1,400/2.


Fine-tune Microthrusters: The AD-1S is already a relatively maneuverable craft, but installing and personalizing an array of small vector adjustment thrusters allow it to compete with many of the galaxy's nimblest starfighters.
Base Modifiers: Increase vehicle's handling by 1.
Modification Options: 1 Increase handling by 1 Mod.
Hard Points Required: 2.
Price/Rarity: 3,000/6.


Hyperdrive Module: Installing a hyperdrive, even a relatively low-grade one, in an AD-1S takes up a good deal of space inside of the craft, but also allows it to operate independently.
Base Modifiers: Add astromech droid socket and hyperdrive (Class 8 or Class 4, see costs below).
Modification Options: 4 Reduce hyperspace rating by 1 (to a minimum of .5) Mods.
Hard Points Required: 4.
Price/Rarity: 3,000/6 (Class 8), 5,000/9 (Class 4).


Shield Generator Module: Many fightercraft lack shields, including most of the Galactic Empire's TIE series.
Base Modifiers: 1 additional point of defense to one defense zone of choice.
Modification Options: 2 One additional point of defense to one defense zone of choice Mods.
Hard Points Required: 3.
Price/Rarity: 8,000/6.


Sublight Boost Thrusters: The craft's engines can be equipped with sublight boosters, which considerably increase their output.
Base Modifiers: Increase vehicle's speed by 1. Decrease vehicle's handling by 1.
Modification Options: 1 Increase speed by 1 Mod.
Hard Points Required: 2.
Price/Rarity: 9,000/7.

  1. Special Modifications: A Sourcebook for Technicians (Page 62)
  2. Special Modifications: A Sourcebook for Technicians (Page 62-63)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Special Modifications: A Sourcebook for Technicians (Page 63)