Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki

Specially modified gas conversion enablers (XCiters) can allow a blaster pistol or rifle to achieve much higher rates of fire than factory standard, even rivaling those of a true repeating blaster.


Hard Points Required 1 Encumbrance - Price 750 Rarity 7

This attachment can be applied to any blaster.

Models Include: BlasTech XCelerator, SoroSuub M-3 Cycling Module, various custom models.
Base Modifiers: The weapon gains the Auto-fire quality and the Inaccurate 3 quality.
Modification Options: 2 Decrease Inaccurate quality by 1 Mods.

  1. Gadgets and Gear: The Essential Collection of Weapons and Equipment (Page 88)
  2. Special Modifications: A Sourcebook for Technicians (Page 55)