Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki

Star Wars: Edge of the Empire was the first set of roleplaying rules designed by Fantasy Flight Games.

FFG StarWars+Edge-of-the-Empire CoreBook

Play revolves around the gritty side of the Star Wars Universe.

Character archetypes are: Bounty Hunters, Colonists, Explorers, Hired Guns, Smugglers, and Technicians. Racial Templates are: Bothans, Gand, Droids, Humans, Rodians, Trandoshans, Twi'Lek and Wookiees.

Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta Rules[]

This was the softcover rough playtest rules sold exclusively at GenCon on August 2012. Due to comments from the early adopters, there were updates and tweaks made to the rules. The improvements were then published in errata PDFs that were downloadable from the FFG website. This testing would lead to the final Core Rules product.

It included the adventure Crates of Krayts and came with a sheet of stickers to convert a set of 14 appropriately-sized polyhedron dice into Narrative Dice.

Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game[]

This was the "quick play" basic version of the rules released just before Christmas on December 17, 2012. It was designed to introduce experienced roleplayers to the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire rules while teaching new roleplayers and non-roleplayers how to play a roleplaying game.

It had a 48-page softcover "quick start" basic rulebook, four 8-page pre-generated character booklets with character artwork, a set of 14 Star Wars Roleplaying Narrative Dice, and 8 Destiny Tokens. It also included an introductory pamphlet (with the adventure's Title Crawl!), a 32-page softcover adventure book (Escape from Mos Shuuta) and play aids (a double-sided map, 35 character tokens and 5 vehicle tokens). The back of the introductory pamphlet contained additional downloadable digital content: the sequel adventure The Long Arm of the Hutt and two additional 8-page pre-generated character booklets. The items were all packed in a vertical lightweight cardboard box with folding-tabbed ends rather than a horizontal pasteboard box.

The Beginner Game set did not contain the full rules. Players couldn't generate new characters but the pre-generated character booklets demonstrated character advancement options. The rules set was very bare bones but it (and the notations in the adventure module and character booklets) gave the players a basic understanding of the system's rules and mechanics.

The Beginner Game is considered a mixed bag by players. It is not a standalone set of rules like the Basic sets of other systems (like Dungeons and Dragons' famous "Red Box" Basic Set). It does come packed with a lot of valuable game items for the price.

Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rules[]

This was the complete hardcover rulebook released on July 5, 2013. It came with 5 full-color Edge of the Empire character sheets.

Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Game Master's Kit[]

Includes the four-panel gamemaster's screen and the 30-page adventure module booklet Debts to Pay.


Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Dice (January, 2013): A set of 14 Narrative Dice containing 1 white Force die, 3 green Advantage dice, 2 yellow Proficiency dice, 2 blue Boost dice, 3 purple Difficulty dice, 1 red Challenge die, 2 black Setback dice, and a set of 4 Destiny Tokens.
