Warden's talent tree
Whether they wield the power of the Force consciously or not, Wardens know that they have been gifted with power.
More information is available in Keeping the Peace: A Sourcebook for Guardians (page 26).
Career Skills: Brawl, Cool, Discipline, Melee, Resilience, Vigilance
Warden Bonus Career Skills: Brawl, Coercion, Discipline, Knowledge (Underworld)
5 XP[]
Grit, Toughened, Intimidating, Grit
10 XP[]
Precision Strike, Confidence, Scathing Tirade, Bad Cop
15 XP[]
Sense Advantage, Confidence, Fearsome, No Escape
20 XP[]
Toughened, Overbalance, Baleful Gaze, Bad Cop